Welcome to eFluencer. 

If you would like to request a refund directly from a freelancer or agency, you can reach out to efluencer Admin within 30 days of the payment.

Before making your request

Check these details before requesting your refund.

  • Do you need a refund from the previously funded escrow on a fixed-price contract?
  • If you are dissatisfied with an hourly contract, please file a dispute.
  • Please consider resolving any time-logging issues with your freelancer or agency prior to closing a contract.
  • Your freelancer or agency cannot edit their Work Diary once the contract is closed, and logged hours for the current week cannot be refunded until you have been billed.

1. DO NOT release funds without being happy, without having received the FULL deliverable.

2. Once the funds are released and deposited into a Freelancer's account, it is HARD to recoup those funds.

3. If or when in doubt, contact a dedicated eFluencer Customer Specialist for guidance.

4. If possible, break down tasks in smaller chunks and deliverables

5. DO NOT release funds without being happy, without having received the FULL deliverable.

6. If or when in doubt, contact a dedicated eFluencer Customer Specialist for guidance.
